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Origin Story: How We Built Column Five

by Josh Ritchie

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  • Nadi Sky says:

    What a great article! I literally bookmarked Column Five since the day I discovered it. In fact I bookmarked a lot of Column Five’s pages. Why? Because the brand told its story really well — verbally, visually, and with a good balance of emotion and logic. I know a good story when I see one. I absolutely love the aesthetics of this brand. Beautiful and authentic!

    • Katy French says:

      Oh wow, thank you for that high praise. It’s always nice to hear we’re practicing what we preach.

  • Richard Salame Raj says:

    I am an aspiring creative freelancer.

    Josh, reading your story, inspires me. I am right now at a similar place where you’ve started – Trying do do something different while trying to survive.

    I am impressed by the fact that you have cut the amount of work to stay with the family more for a good work life balance.

    I appreciate sharing this story.

    Thank you!

  • ARE (Ann Rose Erjas) says:

    I just started to work as digital marketing on my own and I’m so disperate how to create content that works for my client…I asked some help to my italian architect friend, he told me some practical stuffs, ok, Im gonna google that…then I found your blog about “How to Create a Brand Strategy (Free Guide & Toolkit)”. You save my days C5, all informations you shared are very helpful. All those links for other topics, I simply loved it. Reading your origin just now, I felt your sincerity, humbleness and professionalism. Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge 🙂

  • Stephen Shaw says:

    Terrific site! Love the origin story. Love the giveaways. Best in class! You should open an office in Toronto! Big gap here for a content marketing agency of your caliber.

  • Muhammed Faraz says:

    I really loved the story! I connect and relate to it at many levels. Keep up the great work!

  • james says:

    Such an authentic and engaging story! I feel like i’ve learned more through the content on this site than any university course i’ve ever taken. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Jon Shaner says:

    How did you arrive at name “Column Five?”

  • Jeroen koffeman says:

    Beautiful article!
    Thanks for sharing such a complete picture of your origin story, including the difficulties. Very inspiring.

  • Toby says:

    Great Story and very inspiring to me since i am at the edge of starting my own data company.

  • Franklyn says:

    Thanks Josh.
    It’s very nice when people relate their situations with the immediate society. People-like me obviously become stronger and more interested in pushing through. Thanks.

  • Beau Irvine says:

    Thanks for sharing Josh. Love your guys’ work.

  • Desiree says:

    Love this story! I’m grateful to be a part of this awesome thing you guys have built.