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How to Write a Value Proposition (With Less Stress)

by Katy French

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  • Pu Keak says:

    Thanks so much for sharing. Your blogs save me a lot. I can learn many things in branding and marking from you. Keep doing it. I love the way you do.

  • Tika says:

    Thank you so much! I love all of your articles. This was a great tutorial about how to dig deep into your company and expressing the values succinctly. You’re doing great work!

  • oussama says:

    Hi C5, Thank you for the toolkit, but I didn’t understand the brand messaging if you could help me with the value proposition, the tag font, and the brand messaging pillars
    If I have more than one product and service, do it for each product/service (value proposition, tag line, brand messaging pillars), or these are about the brand in general

    • Katy French says:

      Hi Oussama, your value prop/tagline is usually for your brand as a whole. For example, if you’re an athletic brand that is focused on delivering high-performance products that are sustainably made, those are the key points to outline in your value prop. But you would break down your brand messaging pillars even more for each product (e.g., you may want to tell stories about your shoes being durable, comfortable, and stylish, whereas your windbreakers might be sweatproof, light, and comfortable). Hope that makes sense.