Technology is an ever-evolving field that moves at the speed of light. The more we discover new things and invent new technologies, the more we need to communicate the info to each other quickly and efficiently. While there are many valid forms of visual content, technology infographics are particularly effective when it comes to communicating complex ideas.
Unlike words alone, Infographics leverage visuals to target the brain’s visual processing center, making it easier to consume, retain, and recall information. (You can learn more about the power of visual content here.) Whether it’s dense data, processes, product tutorials, trend breakdowns, or industry demographics, infographics help us gain insight into subjects by translating dry info into visually arresting learning aides. Hence, we’ve seen (and created) a proliferation of tech-centric infographics over the years.
That said, not all infographics are created equal. It takes great skill to turn a sometimes dry subject into an interesting piece of content, which is why we think it’s important to share work that does this well. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite examples of technology infographics that combine copy and visuals for maximum impact.

100 Inspiring Technology Infographics
From tablet sales to the gender disparity of Silicon Valley, these technology infographics show you just how creative you can get—no matter your subject.
1. Variabilization of Information Technology published by Wipro

2. Byte Sized by Science Visualized

3. A Look at Blockchain Technology published by PWC

4. Eco Tech by Green Peace

5. Gender Gap by Lucid Works

6. Technology in Sports: Cheating or Progress? bySwimShop

7. Tech Trends 2016 by GFK

8. The Anatomy of a DDos Attack by Column Five

9. Undergraduate Students and Technology published by Bachelors Degree Online

10. The Future of Virtual Reality by Metric Buzz

11. A Record of Progress on Health Technology Information published by Health IT

12. Microsoft Enterprise Technology by Firebrand Training

13. Portrait of a Mobile Consumer by Voucher Cloud

14. Teach Yourself </Code> by Lime IT

15. Cyber Threats to Online Shopping Cheer by Column Five

16. A History of Communication published by Thinking Phone

17. Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of Logistics by 2Flow

18. Growing Trends in Wearable Technology published by Raconteur

19. The Reality of VR & AR by Manatt Digital Media

20. The Odds of a Machine Doing Your Job published by Poker Star

21. The Next Big Thing in Technology by Zagg

22. The Industrial Internet by Visual Capitalist

23. Think Tanks at Work by Think Tank Initiative

24. Energia Solara by EEA Grants

25. The Internet of Things & The Mobile Future published by Mobile Future

Its a great graphical representation of the technology infographics